Message to Barack Obama
* Message of
Peace to Barack Obama and to all the ones
that contribute or foment, somehow, the war in
the world.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ...
is infinite Love: He is Wisdom, Peace and Love of the Hearts
In Action
not the merciless war, the violence or coward aggression.
Respectable President of the United States of America :
Deep Peace in
your heart!... These are my more sincere votes, of this true friend, from Portugal for
all the people, which invites you, very brotherly, to "listen" the
hope that… you are of everybody – AND BROTHER... for the whole Humanity,
because you are it, we are it all, without we could flee from that world-wide
and universal Fraternity, face to the divine Paternity, that is our spiritual
condition and deep Essence.
the Peace!..."No!" to the War in Syria!
Jesus Christ has
− "You heard
what was said to the old ones: eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Me, however, I
tell you: love your enemies! Do well to those that give you badly! Pray for those
that pursue you and slander you!... If you do well only to who does you well,
what value have you? Don't they make the pagans and the heathens
Einstein affirmed:
− "Only when if it suppresses the war, it will also be gotten
to accomplish the youth's education in the conciliation spirit, of cheerful
statement of the life and of Love to all the alive beings!".
Meditate, Obama and all the other rulers of the World, in such
noble and suggestive title of a book written by Mahatma Gandhi, the admirable
and humanitarian statesman of India :
"ALL OF THE MEN ARE BROTHERS", where he affirmed these words:
"Our sacred Scriptures
declare that there is no higher Dharma (Duty) than the Truth. But they say that the no-violence is the higher of
the duties."
"I oppose myself uncompromisingly to the violent methods, even
if they serve the noblest causes!".
"Salvation doesn't exist for none of us unless by the Truth
and for the no-violence!".
"The first condition of the no-violence is the justice in
whole and any department of the life!".
"The Love is the
most powerful force than the world possesses!".
"The mutual Love
turns the nature capable to persist!".
"The weak can
never forgive; the pardon is attribute of the strong one!".
"Only of our Faith
it can come upon the inspiration of the final prevalence of the justice!".
"Each one should
accomplish his duty and to let the results in the hand of God!".
"I don't know most
serious sin than that that oppresses the innocent in name of God!"
* Note: Read more citations of Gandhi at the end of this text!
The Ten Commandments
Ethical Law of the Cosmos
(Cosmic Decalogue)
1.º ) To Adore God, sovereignly, in the whole visible Universe
As also in all of the invisible Worlds of the Cosmic Nature.
2.º ) To Invoke
the Sacred Name of God in the Light of the Heart
And to give Him, in the mystic Adoration, all our human life.
3.º ) To Sanctify every day of the life, in the Love and in Knowledge,
In the Light of the Universal Fraternity of the Cosmic Brotherhood.
4.º ) To
Honor the terrestrial family and to Adore the cosmic family too,
And to respect with sacred Reverence the spiritual Hierarchies.
5.º ) Not to kill any form of human life and, also, no any animal
That doesn't prejudice directly other most important forms of life.
And the divine Purity of the sex sanctified in the Light of
the Spirit.
7.º ) not to live attached to the
objects nor in vicious pleasures;
To respect ownership's
freedom, life and expression of the other ones.
8.º ) not to lie or to deceive nor to judge or to criticize the neighbor,
Looking after the mind
Integrity, in the Light of the eternal
9.º ) To Keep always spiritual Purity in the thought and in the feeling,
In the Equilibration of emotions and in the Sublimation of the desires.
10.º ) To
Aspirate, mystically, these 3 Virtues of the Holy Trinity:
A ) The cosmic Power of the Will of the Divine Verb and of
His Law.
B ) The universal
Love of Goodness in Immaculate Christ of the Heart.
C ) The sacred Wisdom of the Truth in Logos Light of the Knowledge.
Prof. M.M.M.Astrophyl
Obama, Before the possible and maybe
imminent attack of the Americans to Syria, for, supposedly, the warfares
of a Government genocide subject to be solved, as the one of that country, that
already proved, sufficiently, to be perfidious, criminal and diabolical with
their attacks against civil, we began by wondering, in first place, maybe the
most important for the American Government's decision to move forward or not in
the invasion of Syria:
Please, answer to yourself: Are you able
to foresee, with enough and necessary success or safety margin, the exacts consequences of an attack to Syria ,
knowing even that China and Russia are on the other side of the political
"margin" and in disagreement with America in many fundamental points,
for a complete agreement?...
Would you like to see the Syrian
conflict have an escalade at international level, and of seeing the countries
of the world be involved in one Greater World war? Aren't two ones already enough
for all people?... Surely that you would not like to detonate the 3.ª War at planetary
dimension or almost. Then, don't set fire to it, with that that can or it could
be dangerous fuse!...
You have promised, in the elections, to finish all the wars. Accomplishes,
now, your promises, not making them nor fomenting them against anybody, because
all of the people are sons of God. No right attends you of invading Syria . Not even
you were attacked, for such an international interference. Retreat!... Stop!...
Remember God and the Love-Fraternity that we owed to all
people of the Earth!
Obama, make efforts to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize that you
received!... And declares the Peace, the Love and the Pardon as high Slogans of
your government, to be fair and equilibrated, and not adulterated in the violence,
in the retaliation, in the aggression and in the war!... And, against the committers
of those crimes of Syria ,
give more justice to "hand" of God who doesn't fail (because God doesn't sleep),
not like the men, so "short-sighted",
in most of them, about Ethics and Justice. But God is like Himself: supremely Just, Amorous and Wise!...
Don't want you to do suffering more the American people because they already
suffer too much with the economic crisis and they have been sufferings with the wars
against other nations, or going to lament the painful impact of a merciless
war, because the Government from Syria, brutal and inhuman that it is, will not
forgive to anybody!... Remember that the Law of Karma or divine Justice is
watching in all of the lives and nobody can deceive it or to bribe it.
You forget or you ignore, Obama, that karmic Justice Law is working
in the middle of all the misfortunes of the world. Don't attract more
misfortunes and poverty over your head and to the American people,
with the violence of the war and of the aggression armed against other
people. And remember well that all the people of the Earth are a great world-wide family, giving all
of them the platform to the manifestation of Divine Life and of the Divine Conscience, through each human being.
Following the ways of the war you submit America to the destruction or
of part of it, by the repercussion of the evil that the Law of Karma forces, in
the corrective expression of the Will of God, that always gives "To each one according to his works!", as said the own words of the Christ of Love. Karma even can
destroy America
(and not only!...) because of the violence of the war and also the
corruption!... He was Christ that also taught: "Who hurts with iron, with iron it will be hurt" and "All the ones that throw hand of the
sword, to the sword they will die."
S. Paul affirmed: "Such
seeds man sows, such harvest shall he find". To see Galatians, VI, 7.
Equally Puranas, sacred teachings of old India , teach: "All men reap the consequences of their own acts." The
Portuguese people, in his eminent wisdom, uses idiomatic expressions with
similar meaning, as: "Who makes best
the bed, better in it lies down"; "Don't make to the neighbor badly,
that your badly comes to road"; "The
sorcery turns against the sorcerer"; "You are son, father you will be; as well as you do, you will
find"; "Here they are done
and here they are paid", and so on.
The Wise people know well the "shock of return" of the Law
of Karma and, because of that, they
prefer to practice the Good, to live in Love and to create universal Peace of
the hearts in the Faith, in the Wisdom, in the Light and in the Harmony than
the sad and shady ways of the violence of weapons and of the criminal and vile
war, that just generate unnamable sufferings to the people and to the Humanity.
You should already know that all those that attack directly the
merciless Syrian regimen can suffer serious consequences or, at least, their
retaliations against the own Syrian people can be crimes still larger than
those that already perpetrated in the thousands of people that were already
victims of that cruel regimen.
So you should think that the Syrian regimen don't mind making shielding,
cowardly, with the own people to impute to the foreigners the largest
misfortunes than can happen, in case of armed invasion, and for they protect themselves
from outside attacks... Meditate in everything this, please…, for the world!...
Then, any war will bind yourself more to debts face to the divine Law
and it will take the American people to the debt and the suffering and collective
poverty, because the Law of Karma works
so, to reequilibrate everything that the men unbalance with his irresponsibility,
criminality or anti-fraternity.
Therefore, begin by finishing with all of the wars, that as Karma determines,
only will be turned against your own people, according to the cosmic Law of the
Return, base of the Law of Karma, and finish any undue invasion of other
nations, and live without dangerous international interferences for the balance
of the people or even of the World.
Stop once and for all with the manufacture and sale of weapons and invite
the other nations of the world so that they do, all together, efforts for the
world disarmament and not to still arm more the own civilians, according to the
bad american (and not only) habits in your own countries. Therefore don't
complain about the almost tribal quarrels, among some of your citizens in
disagreement one another.
The armament sale is a very serious crime and the hall for the war of
the belligerent factions. The money of that sordid mercantilism is execrable
and devilish. Change and avoid that criminal trade! Combat it and don't allow
it more in your nation!... And invite the other nations to do the same!...
Change the money of the weapons for foods for the starving people, specially
Americans, who also suffer already so many lacks!... The billions that you
spend, callously, in armament would can to stop the hunger of the famished and
to help all unlucky ones, who live in economic afflictions and in social
poverty. What a nonsense! What a crime of politic insensibility of
the world!...
Political gentlemen, if you have dignity take care of saving the
economies of the nations, in pure Fraternity, in merciful Solidarity, in fair
Justness and rectilinear Distribution, and don't destroy them with genocide wars,
that have causing the misfortune of billions sons of God, since all the
centuries and passed millenniums ago!...
Obama, don't let yourself to be caught by the sophism or by the
paralogism (with sincerity) that impulses you to affirm that the fight against
the tyrants of the world and against the genocides of Syria must begin
with warlike engines of the very armed armies!...
Or don't use arguments wrongly convincing that nobody can ignore that
hundreds of children were murdered by the lethal gas of the chemical weapons,
if your conclusion is to riposte in the way of open war against who provoked
such massacres (that still today is doubted if it was the government regimen if
the "rebellious", to accuse the other ones, in those armed
You have asked, Obama, in the television: − "... A dictator can throw gasses against hundreds
of children, to the death, in the view of all people, and to be unpunished?"...
We do answer, in the quality of a true wise person:
Obviously that is a very serious, perfidious and vile crime!... But if
you sorry so much for hundreds of children and so many other hundreds of
adults, whose lives were mutilated and destroyed by chemical armament, how many
thousands of children and of other civilians do you want to see in the
convulsions of the agony and of the death with one more criminal war, in the
invasion of Syria, that can have even the serious danger of internationalizing?
Because China and Russia , for instance, don't agree very much with
you, American Gentlemen, in your tendency for ideologies of imperialistic and
warlike hegemony nor with the armed invasion of Syria !... Although our reasons and
arguments are different, in some central aspects, we don't also agree with that
invasion, because the luminous Peace's ways of the Dialogue, Consensus and
Diplomacy cannot be despised!...
Then − maybe you say − won't we make anything, cowardly, to defend the Syrian people and to
punish the criminals, and must we just only trust the will of God and staying impavid and serene, seeing those crimes
against the children and other civil ones?"... No! Not at all!... But the
fight must be other, more rational, more peaceful and more humanitarian!...
Have you already thought how many children (and not only) can or could die
in a cruel and heavy war, with Syria
invasion? Meditate: if hundreds of children from Syria were victims seemingly
innocent, what would you say if they had been soldiers of Hitler who, in
concentration camps of Nazis, has tortured countless children, as human guinea
pigs, with harmful drugs and even mortals, trying to discover vaccines against
diseases and plagues that attacked the Nazi's troops?... "Here they are done and here they are paid" − Say the intuitive people
of Portugal .
It is so that the indefectible Karma's Law and the one of Reincarnation
work. God also uses the men to make some Justice. But He doesn't want merciless
wars. Therefore exist judges on the Earth. And He uses the politicians for to guide
or to disorientate the Nations. But with what Reasons? God wants that the Man
learns how to respect the Man and the Nature, learns how to Love and, above
all, to be just, peaceful, altruist, solidary and fraternal!...
To struggle against the demagogues, dictator-tyrants of the people or
oppressors of the nations is correct. But not all means justify the ends to reach
it. That the actions of rulers of the nations be of Peace, Fraternity and
Justice and not of war, violences and retaliations... of what the world is full
and face to which it is already fed up suffering, since a long, long time ago.
Political Gentlemen, create means of collective and international
resistance, contradicting the tyrants, belligerents and genocides of any nation,
but make it with diplomatic means, through international laws that must regulate
the activity of any political of the world. When somebody exceeds the ethical
duties against the people or the Nature, it should be refuted and judged in a collective
Tribunal, national or international, and properly punished.
Let us create in the world a real collective and interactive Potency, of international character, that can
be, for example, the actual ONU, still more sensitized, organized and
humanized, to declare the Right and the Duty international of the Humanity to
be protected and of protecting any human lifetime, that is natural phenomenon
and divine Law, and on the protection and preservation of the human Ideals respecting
God, the Nature and the Man, that should be the Conscience's Trilogy for any
true politician, just as it was, courageously and nobly, for the admirable Wise
and merciful statesman Mahatma Gandhi.
God: in the Respect, in the Freedom and in the real and factual
Conscience of all the sacred cults, religious and peaceful of the world; the
Nature: in the Responsibility of the Care, of the Consideration and of the
sacred Reverence that all of us owed it; and the Humanity: in the Freedom of
the natural Rights to the life and the survival and in the universal Love that we
should attend for all of the human beings, and not allowing that they are
attacked, mutilated, destroyed their natural freedoms and/or those human
beings, sons of God!...
Obama, as other American Presidents, you have been affirming openly your
faith in God: God save America ! God
bless America !
God bless you (to the people)! And maybe: "God bless the World!...", that is more universalistic
and humanitarian, in direction to the collectivism of the human Race, and
understanding all the Humanity as a World Family, in this Earth becoming a
"Global village" in the Planetary Unity, the dream of the true Wise
As Martin Luther King:
There is a long, a long time ago that...
I Also have a divine Dream:
* I dream about the
glorious day in what all of the religions of the Earth will embrace one another
in a great divine and spiritual Unity − of united hearts and unified minds:
in one alive, scientific and universal Faith.
* And I dream, in a sacred Feeling like a child in fervor,
with the day in what all the Humanity will live in universal Fraternity as the
pure water of vast river running for the Divine Ocean, in Love.
And I dream, still, with the man and woman's divine communion, married in
eternal Love, devotional, mystically unified in God, united in alive Faith and in the
Happiness of the life in Festival Dream.
Obama, we already know that you have, apparently, fair and humanitarian
reasons for invading Syria ,
against the tyrants and dictators of the people and against the use of chemical
weapons. But you don't want, American brothers, to superimpose to Will of God,
that everything controls and watches everybody with sovereign Justice!... "God writes right with crooked
lines!" − Say the people wisely.
If God (and his Representatives who execute God's Will, and that don't
sleep like all of us) has allowed to be born Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin or
Mussolini and He would not allow, up to now, the people of Syria to suffer so
much and those children or adults from Syria have been butchered by poisonous
gasses or other weapons, that are said "conventional".
And you, Obama, since your first election up to now, and after already
elapsed so many time, what have you did, with the other nations, to terminate
with these Syrian massacres? Maybe nothing!... Did you let to perpetrate
horrible crimes in that almost undone country and only now do you show so much
humanity?... Don't you think you are "a little late" in your slow
"justice"? If the nations only now are to wake up (of the
sleepiness?) for this sad reality, that they wake up right!...
It is strange that the weapons that the American soldiers use, since a
long time ago, in so many merciless wars, ferocious and terrifying, be so
"benign" and so "beneficial" and only the chemical weapons
of the Syrians are "monstrous" and "diabolical"... And only
now the Americans are disposed to fight against the sirian massacres after so
many thousands of people killed?!... That strange! What have done they so
humanitarian for those before?...
Have you the
certainty that the attack to Syria
is the Will of God and of the Powers of the Light, who are the Love and Peace
and not the violence and the war? Then to who do you intend to serve? To God or
"Mammon", the Light or the
Darkness?... Do you want to begin one more terrifying war of the many that
America already has created against so many people, making to suffer so many
innocent in impious wars: in Biafra, in Vietnam, in Korea, in Afghanistan, in
Iraq, etc.?... Certainly that you will not it, interiorly, in your heart.
Aren't it already
enough, American brothers, the wars in these countries? Don't want you to go to the "Guinness Book" of the warlike records, that have taken so many
people to the tortured lives and unnamable poverty!... If you want to be paladin
of the innocent ones, for the way of the armed violence, you take a risk to
become avenger and indirectly executor of the simple men and little children,
just as Americans became in those wars of a long time ago.
I still
remember well today some horrible images of mothers of Vietnam crying
with their children at their chest, who made me to spill out abundant tears of
mercy for them and for their children. Only remembering them the tears come to my
eyes, by compassion!... It seems that have no heart the ones that motivate
these diabolical wars. Even the Americans have used the terrible "chemical
defoliants" to destroy the Vietnamese forests (and others, maybe).
Therefore, you are not innocent! Finish once and for all the perfidious wars against the sons of God, because God is God of Love and Peace and not of war and violence!...
It's enough!... Retreat!... Stop!... Wake up for the deep Respect for every
lifetime that God created with Wisdom!... "Live
the universal and unconditional Love of the Light of the Hearts, the pure and
genuine Fraternity in the rectilinear Actions and deep Peace among all the
nations!"... Peace of the Consciences and the respect for the Life
(that is God) are a greater Ethical Duty than cannot be despised nor neglectful
of anybody that consider "conscious!" himself…
Any widespread war, provoked with the actual deadly engines will do to
spill a lot of blood of innocent people and it will make to suffer awfully many
and many civil, that don't have faults and didn't offend anybody face to the ferocious
rages, warlike or imperialists and frequently irresponsible Governments of the
World. Doing so, how can you be considered true Believers in God and in the
Christ of Love?...
Unhappy is or will be who provokes the sufferings of the horror of the
war to their brothers of any race!... They will moan and they will cry in the
vale of tears, on the future millenniums, because the life doesn't finish and
the Law of the divine Justice or Karma doesn't sleep. Christ has said: "The scandal is necessary! But oh whose
by which the scandal comes!"... After all, we are even all brothers,
in this planet. Are you forgotten that, face to the armed aggressions against
other people?...
Against the world are enough all the unhealthy wars that Napoleon Bonaparte
fomented with his nepotistic imperialism, that Hitler created with his genocide
criminality, and that Stalin have mobilized with the plutocratic persecutions of
his cruel and merciless egocentrism!... The world is fed up about these
tyrants. But don't want you to be the punisher, the revenger or the
exterminator to terminate the life of them! Leave that task for God and for the
gods, that never forgot us!...
Meditate well in everything this! And don't allow that the Forces of
the Evil, invisible, take possession of your head and of your heart!... Live
for and in the God's Love and in the Love for the neighbor, and not to kill (or
to order to kill... be anyone), with reasons always more or less criminal, at
least when they involve, in the war, innocent victims, suffering atrocities in
the conflict sceneries.
Even the death penalty that unhappily still exists in the United States
is a very serious crime face to the Laws of God. The death penalty just as the
abortion are legalized crimes of the false and wrong justice, because the true
Justice is always compassionate and merciful. Terminate that criminal and
merciless law, because the human life law comes from God and it is sacred,
before coming of our parents, and only the larger Will of God shall remove it to
any human being, when He will decide.
Therefore, American brothers, terminate for ever death penalty in your
country that says to defend the life, the freedom and the citizens's natural
rights!... How many of the ones that perpetrated vile crimes were blind,
hypnotized, arrested by the forces of the Evil, and, in many times, what they
have made doesn't correspond to their normal psychological tendencies, sometimes
much less criminal than the acts committed in their crimes.
This fact has been bewildered the "learned" of the Psychology
and Psychiatry, who don't "believe in ghosts"... for preconceived and
misoneist ignorance and for the little study about the mysteries of the life, about
death and immortality... and about the invisible Worlds. But the death will
open the eyes to all of them, when they leave towards that big Beyond, from
where all men came!...
Cutting off the life, with the death penalty, to those who have
committeed criminal acts it is limiting the ethics, the justice and the mercy,
and it is an imitation of the old savagery of the cannibal people or of the
tyrants of the violence of the invaders hordes in Antiquity. But the atrocious wars
against other people are its most perfect imitation.
I am strictly vegetarian. I don't ate nor meat of the animals (there is
more than 40 years ago), and I would never do it or I would not kill any form
of superior animal life: dog, cat, rabbit, sheep, cow, ox, fish, dolphins,
etc., that deserve for me the most affectionate respect, sympathy and Love !...
A life form, even animal, is sacred. The more it would not be it the human
There, in America ,
if you don't have true mercy to the animals, if you still eat the meat of them,
see these videos in Youtube. Maybe that
they convince you to be vegetarian, for compassion. And, finally, finish with
the reading of the very important and impressive topical that we put in our
blog (if you don't know Portuguese, you can order to translate it, certainly):
But at least finish the death penalty against human beings, because
that is still remanences of the ancestral primitivism of the wild origins. And terminate
with any type of human death in the wars, provoked by the American against any
human being: race, people or person, because each human being is "a finger
of the divine Hand", as it says the sacred and spiritual Wisdom of the
If you don't understand the Justice of God, that is behind of the human
sufferings, allowing so many ones to suffer, study, for instance, in our blog, these topics that are here
presented. These are some of the themes of our site of larger importance for
your correct and right decision: fair, peaceful, vertical and humanitarian, on Syria .
Obama, I know that you don't have many time available but, sometimes, it is necessary to manage the time wisely, and this blog brings the eternal Wisdom that: "Elevates the life, airs the mind, illuminates the soul, ennobles the character and builds the conscience."
You can have some reason, contrarily to the cold indifference that
Russia has manifested, to think the proofs of the impieties of the Syrian
regime were already far away too much, on these years of cruel war, against
which the countries of the world already owed, since a long time, have taken serious
decisions to end with the suffering of the Syrian people, before which they have
been staying so frigidly and indifferent.
But, Obama, don't forget that you intend to use the same aggression
method, the violence and the war that it has been used since millenniums to
throw merciless conflicts on the world, even in the fight against the tyrants.
And, in our Christian Pacifism, we never must or we could agree with that!...
The human past could have been savage. But the present belongs to
people that is said "civilized", but that still lives so much in the
morbid instinctive and in the unhealthy savageness of the old inheritance of
the primitive and animal instinct, where the wars were the first expressions of
the fights, conflicts and competitions, in the gregarious instinct of the human
species, that during millenniums struggled to impose to the other ones.
It is necessary that all of us, men with good will, must be more
conscious, humanitarian and merciful, so that we prepare the peaceful, loving,
fraternal and wise Man of the future Race, not aligning with no war!... Helps
us, Obama, being also like him, if you aren't yet, truly. But prove it in
practice, and don't make to suffer anybody with the violence of the sad,
impious and execrable weapons!...
We don't know if there, in America ,
there are the "objectors of conscience", before the military
trainings, as here in Portugal .
But if there are not, that they begin to exist, on all those soldiers that want
to say "Not!" to the crime of killing human beings, even if it has
been legalized and ratified by the heartless and merciless laws, still with
little Ethics and very ignorant face to the true Wisdom of the life... of the
death and of the immortality!...
That each youth,
without subserviences nor servilisms, learn saying "Not!" to the
official order of killing!... That no soldier wants to be "meat
for cannon" nor wants to do the other ones "guinea pigs" of the
war, not for cowardice of going fight for a bloody flag, but with the courage
of saying "Not!" to the instituted criminality of the war and to the
legalized homicide!...
That all the youths of the world, invited by the Governments to the collective
homicide and legalized murder of the wars, learn the strenuous Courage of
"disobeying" when the larger Laws of the Life and of the respect for
the Man and for the Nature are in cause, "listening" Mahatma Gandhi
in these words:
"They gave me a teacher in Thoreau
(American writer, disciple of Emerson, supporting of the Civil Disobedience)
that, through his rehearsal on the Duty
of the Civil Disobedience, gave me scientific confirmations of that I was
doing in South Africa!... And Russia gave me in Tolstoy a master that supplied me the rational base for my
no-violence!... Tolstoy blessed my movement in South Africa !...".
There is no one true heroism in
going destroy the "nest of love" of the declared "enemy",
and to terrify fragile children, their children, because none of us would like
that they made that with us. "Don't make
to the other ones that that you would not like that they did to you!" − taught Christ. This is the slogan of those that have true respect for
the human life and authentic Honor, Ethics and Dignity.
In our personal case, we have never taken up a firearm even for
military trainings. And I would never accept to do it, nor under the coactive
orders of any obtuse or imposing lieutenant, captain, colonel, general,
marshal... or even President!... Against the sovereign Will of the Upper Self
(of our Conscience), that is God in all of us, nobody can do something, really!...
We consider all the wars, specially the international ones,
criminal savagery of people still with
little ethics (but most of them think that have a lot) and with little sense of
Fraternity, compared with the Pacifism of the true Wise persons of the Holy
Things and of all the ones who respect, with sanctity, the human Life and that
truly fulfils the Will of God of the Love, because God is just: "Wisdom, Peace and Love of the Heart...
in action, and not war, violence or cowardly and violent aggression."
You, political Gentlemen, why do you speak about God in your electoral
campaigns if you proceed or you foment, so many times, the ways of the hate,
the revolt, the war and the violence?... But in critical moments, when the
world puts you to the proof, you always forget God, the God of Love, and you
prefer to trust the diabolical god of the destructive weapons that destroy the
life to thousands or millions!... That horror! That criminality! That
While the Man will be the Man's wolf and the atavic, instinctive and
primary fears of the Humanity, the low interests of the sordid ambitions and
the conquest imperialisms take leading the race to the armaments, the Humanity
won't have peace, the hearts will live in anguish and the crime of the wars
will continue to spill human and innocent blood.
Obama, help to end with the crime of the horror of wars, staying, side
by side, with Peace's Phalanges and with the Powers of the Light and Love, and
don't become obsequious of the Forces of Darkness, who are going through the
world, in the Dimensions of the Invisible, and that plan to destroy the
Humanity in some intended (for them) 3.ª World war!...
With all of us, the true Sons of the Light, help to do failing their
cunning war plans and their intended destruction of the Humanity!... define well
yourself, Obama, because the divine Justice won't fail, with the Damocles' sword
against all the ones that fail in the ways of the crime, of the war, of the
aggression and of the warlike violence!... Relieve the karma of the world and
don't overload it more with some merciless war, taking the people to the pain
and the poverty!...
No nation should be entitled or has true freedom to attacking another nation
or country, for any reason. That the nations made diplomatic efforts to solve all
the conflicts among the nations and the disagreements of the people through the
diplomatic and peaceful ways, in complete international co-agreement and communitarian
No man is entitled of destroying the life of anybody and even the one
of an animal that doesn't harm the human being's life sensibly!... The own ancient
Law of Moses already recommended: "You
won't kill!...". The Nature didn't grant to the human being the right
of killing (even animals) without punishment. The Law of Karma doesn't fail and
it gives "To each one according to
their works!" − According to
Christ's Truth and the one of all the Wise persons of the whole World.
The Nature is sacred and we must to respect it with sanctity. The human
life is sacrosanct and we owed sacred respect for the divine Life that is inside
it, being, therefore, each human being a part of God in evolutionary action,
training to express Himself the mystery of the life and of the conscience,
through the Man.
The lack of this Teaching is the basic cause to all the world misfortunes and
to the disrespect for the own Man, that is abandoned, battered, despised.
The life doesn't belong truly to the Man but to God. God has given it
to us, through our parents and, because of that, only God has real authority to
remove it when understanding, because God is Wise and men are still very
ignorant... and very merciless too!... Who makes war against his fellow being
has not still true Christian mercy.
* Finally,
"listen" Mahatma Gandhi's eternal Voice that, without any violence,
in his slogan of "Ahimsâ",
(no-violence) got to free India
out the yoke of English men. And his Voice is eternal because he was the
execution of the Will of God: the alive Faith, the Truth-Wisdom and the
unconditional Love in action, that were his high Ideals as they are also ours (of
myself), that is the immortal and eternal Values: of the Heart, of the
Conscience and of the Spirit.
He was right,
the Master of Galilee, when He recommended: "Don't accumulate for you
treasures in the Earth, that the moth gnaws and the rust consumes! But
accumulate treasures in the Heaven, where the moth not gnaws nor the rust
consumes them, and where the thieves cannot steal them!..." (Mateus VI,
19). Or then: "It is more certain a camel to enter by the bottom of
a needle than a rich one to enter in Kingdom of the Heaven!...". To
the attached ones of the materialism He has recommended: "That is worth
you, man, you win the whole world if you come to lose your life and your
soul?!...". (Mathews XVI, 26).
The wise, sincere and true Gandhi's Voice became itself eternal also, because
from the Kingdoms of the Invisible Beyond, he continues, just as Christ, to
Love and to recommend to all the Mankind the Pacifism and the no-violence of deep
Peace of the illuminated hearts in the fraternal Mercy, in the Concordance
among the nations, for the Humanity's Harmony. "Listen" his immortal
Voice in these words:
"Our sacred Scriptures declare that there is no higher Dharma
(Duty) than the Truth. But they say that the no-violence is the higher of the
"I oppose myself uncompromisingly to the violent methods, even
if they serve the noblest causes!".
"Salvation doesn't exist for none of us unless for the Truth
and for the no-violence!".
"I believe that the true democracy
can only be resulting from the no-violence!".
"The first condition of the no-violence is the justice in
whole and any department of the life!".
"I don't know
larger sin than that that oppresses the innocent in name of God!".
"The weak can
never forgive; the pardon is attribute of the fort!".
"It is my unshaken
faith that we can conquer the whole world with the Truth and with the
"When a man realizes
the Love in all it fullness, he neutralizes the hate of many millions!".
"Only of our Faith
it can happen the inspiration of the final prevalence of the justice!".
"Each one should
accomplish his duty and to leave the results in the hand of God!".
"The highest moral
law is the one that takes us to work permanently for the Humanity's
"My religion doesn't
have geographical limits!".
"My religion is not the
building of a chain; it has space for to the smallest among the creations of
"The gold road is we
shall be friends of the world and we shall look at the whole human family as
only one!".
"It is better to
allow our lives to speak for us than our words!".
"I should not like
to live in this world, if it doesn't become an only world!".
"I feel that I cannot
be happy while the humblest of my fellow creatures is not happy!".
"While there are men that they are
considered as unworthy, we cannot speak about independence!".
"My belief of the
no-violence is a force extremely active; it doesn't have space for the cowardice
or even for the weakness."
"Nobody preserves for long time the power
exercised with violence!". Seneca.
"Nothing we lose with the peace; everything we
can lose with the war!". Pious XII.
"The protector weapons of an
eminent man are only their works!" − R. Stanganelli.
"The totalitarian tyranny is not
built with the virtues of the totalitarian ones, but on the democrats' faults. Every
time that, in the world, a man is chained, we are chained with him. The freedom
should be for all or for nobody. The only way to work with this world without
freedom is to became so quite free that your mere existence is a rebellion act" − Albert Camus.
Deep Peace for ever!...
P. A. I. − Paz, Amor, Iluminação!...
Peace, Love and
For you and
for everybody in America …
Syria …
and all over the World!...
Date of Publication: 18-09-2013
Prof. M.M.M.Astrophyl
*(A True Wise ofPortugal )
*(A True Wise of
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